Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Welcome [insert your name here] to blogging!

I welcome you (and myself) to the world of blogging! (Now, I've never done this before so bare with me...)

Isn't it amazing how having a blog relates to owning your own little slice of the world?? A section to call your own. Ever thought of that??

A crazy place of reading over people's shoulder to see what's happening in their life and what they are up to without having to ask one question. Creepy, right?? What in the world would convince someone to do such a thing??! Well, I can think up a million reasons: peer pressure, wanting to connect with friends, curiosity...but none of these refer to me. No sirree.

Okay, I might admit to curiosity. I would sneak up a creepy staircase just so I can know what's on the other side *gives one of her friends a look*. And maybe I had a crazy idea that someone will read this and say, "this gal looks like she can go places". Not for movies, (I mean, don't get me wrong I love theater, singing, dancing etc.) but for my writing. "A writer needs to go places. Study and meet new people" -Jo March, Little Women [May not be exactly what she says, but close]

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