Friday, January 1, 2010


     We have recently bought ourselves a brand-new RV. Yep, you heard me. “RV”!! No “motor home” for us. No siree. From now on, we will point and guffaw (yes that's a word) at those poor souls who have to live in a “motor home”, in those class “C”s. Psh, suckers.

     So we have now graduated to a moto--*clears throat* excuse me, RV. Now what?? After several comings and goings from the RV dealer for various problems, (they forgot to clean the carpet, leak in the roof, refrigerator malfunctions..etc.) it's now time to take this baby out for a trip! We finally decide when and where to go and the next thing we know: we're off to the races!!

    --DAY #1: We arrive, walk the dogs (one of which had already relieved itself in the RV), then go to “El pollo loco” for a “delicioso” and spicy lunch. After eating and running other quick errands, we're back and stare at each other until one of us figures out what to do.
    Finally, someone decides we should go for a bike ride in the crisp winter air. =-) BUT... we have a minor set back: Dad locked all the bikes together and forgot the key at home.
    “How 'bout a walk??”
    Luckily, I find my bike is the only one not tied with the rest and ride next to the walking crowd. After fooling around at a park with little kids as our audience, and whirling my little brother around to a tipsy with a spinning tire swing, we begin heading back to our fancy "recreational vehicle".
    Loving the wind, I speed up telling everyone I'll meet them there. I ride to our spot to find that our RV is dripping, no, POURING water EVERYWHERE. Gawping at the scene for a second, I straggle back on the bike to tell my family the news.
    The rest of the day consisted of everyone drying out the kitchen and out-door cubbies using bathroom towels and a dog bowl until our hands were red and numb. I also managed to sink the new shoes I got for Christmas in the slippery mud. =-)

(But I dunked them in a puddle so it's all good)

    --DAY #2: The carpet has just about finished drying in our new home on wheels but because of the dew and cold, mine and my older brothers shoes are still wet (we had left them outside to supposedly dry). Happily, resourceful me puts on her extra (DRY) converse and is ready to face the day.
     Today, we pile in the van to drive over to the new movie theater and watch the Chipmunk's "squeakwel". Only MY family will choose to go to the theater while camping. (On a personal note: I didn't think the movie was that great. My family disagrees)
    After watching the movie, Dad and I drop off the crew at our RV and drive the thirty minutes back home to pick up a couple things (bike chain key, breadcrumbs..) and feed the animals. (Okay, I confess. Dad fed the animals. I just messed around playing the piano and clarinet. It was helpful...ish)
    Now that we had the bikes unlocked, we went riding in the freezing cold. I guess I really shouldn't be complaining considering my older brother was in shorts. But that was HIS choice. I didn't choose to always be cold. We then thawed out back at the RV while watching "One Night With The King" and eating junk food until it was time for bed.

    --DAY #3: Kick starting the day, we wake up to the sounds of excited dogs running (and sliding) across the floor. In their own doggy language, they must've found out that today is the day we head home (or maybe they knew that it was the last day of the year?? Either way they knew SOMETHING).
    After breakfast, the fam. heads out for one last bike ride before departure.
    Everyone then chips in as we slide, yank, and snap all our belongings back in place for the drive home. (We also found out that a pipe was blocked...but Dad told us that as long as we didn't use the bathroom he can fix it when we get to the house)

    So there you have it! We have officially graduated! And from this point forth, we're ridding in style. B-)

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